Discover how HR Manager Herma guides her organization efficiently through ‘Corona’.
Herma and her colleagues work under extreme pressure. In addition to the regular work, there is a lot of extra work due to the ‘unplanned Corona measures’.
The tension is increased because everyone looks to HR for answers. Answers that HR is largely unable to give. After all, HR is also driven by external, unpredictable events and decisions. Internally, the team works hard to fine-tune things and to refine and prepare the organization and support in a new way of working (together).
Herma talks a lot with people from all parts of the organization. Based on this information she helps managers to support their people. She regularly wonders whether this information is sufficient. Does the organization really have an insight into what is going on at all homework locations? People probably not share everything they feel or think. She realizes that there is a risk that in the coming months, due to psychological or other problems, more people will drop out than normal.
Last week the management team asked her to investigate the optimal balance between working from home and at the office. Over the past few months, employees have developed a large number of new forms of collaboration that are proving to be very effective. But it is clear that only working online also leads to more uncertainty and less connectedness. For a healthy work environment, it is now also important to pick up the sentiment. With this, the HR policy must be further adapted to the new circumstances.
The question to Herma is to find a solution to this.
Herma is looking for a way to extend her personal conversations to every employee. She is looking for a method that gives her the information from her personal conversations, from everyone.
It has to be a simple, accessible, but also reliable and scalable method. The method should give Herma insight into the personal experience of employees, which are usually shared at home or with direct colleagues at the coffee machine, but not with HR or management. What do people talk about? What do they think about? Where is the pain or frustration? What are people afraid of? But also: what are the moments of happiness? Where are successes? And why?
After asking around, Herma hears about Sensing.
Reading about this she realizes that this is exactly what she is looking for.
Sensing is an innovative approach (online app and methodology). Herma can let her people share experiences continuously and anonymously. From quantitative patterns she reads the underlying stories with a single mouse click. This gives her insight into the ‘undercurrent’. She sees that different perspectives (role, department, location, …) produce different stories, or equal stories.
The time gain is enormous. Herma is able to weigh up all the interests against each other. She makes her decisions easier and quicker. The shared experiences also make communication powerful and effective.
From quantitative patterns, she reads the underlying stories with a single mouse click.
Sensing is easily accessible and simple in usage. All employees share experiences and ideas anonymously. After sharing, they answer a few short questions that give the right context. Such as: why do you share this story? How often does this situation occur? Or: who should do something with it?
All stories together produce patterns. Sharing can be continuous, and takes less than 4 minutes.
The underlying methodology is scientifically based. Sensing is supported by signal and pattern finding and evaluation. It is powerful, scalable and flexible.
Sensing allows Herma to read the unprocessed stories from different perspectives. In this way she has insight into the smallest details from her leading role.
Business agility
Herma has the ability to make decisions quickly, and implement them immediately. Sensing offers her a monitor to quickly adjust unwanted impacts.
By being in control in a different way, Herma can let go and delegate more, both in her own HR team and in the organization. This creates a new dynamic: one in which she uses all the available potential and increases intrinsic motivation. People feel heard and taken seriously. These dynamics create a safe new hybrid working environment.
And now you
Do you, like Herma, want to be in constant contact with what is going on within your organization so that you can make appropriate decisions quickly?
Then please contact us:
Arno Korpershoek
+31 650 828 718